
Cataract Eye Surgery

Despite rapid strides being made in the field of cataract eye surgery in the last few


Despite rapid strides being made in the field of cataract eye surgery in the last few decades, it continues to remain the leading cause of reversible blindness in our country. We at The Eye Foundation have been pioneers in the field of cataract eye surgery offering cutting-edge technologies with world-class infrastructure and assures a high standard of care to a large population. Cataract Eye Surgery Cost in The Eye Foundation coimbatore is affordable and advanced surgical equipment is used to get high vision precision results.

Types Of Cataracts:

  • 1. Mature Cataracts: The seasoned veterans, mature cataracts have hardened and significantly cloud the lens, causing severe vision impairment. These typically require surgery for restoration of sight.
  • 2. Immature Cataracts: Still in their early stages, immature cataracts cause mild to moderate vision blurriness or sensitivity to light. While surgery isn't always immediate, monitoring and discussing options with your doctor is important
  • 3. Cortical Cataracts: These wedge-shaped opacities form in the outer layers of the lens, potentially affecting peripheral vision and night vision. Depending on the severity, treatment may involve surgery or observation.
  • 4. Congenital Cataracts: Present at birth or developing in early childhood, these cataracts can vary in severity and require personalized treatment plans to protect and optimize vision development.

How Does Cataract Form?

The natural crystalline lens of our eye is clear which allows light to be focused clearly on the retina. With aging, this lens loses its transparency and gradually becomes clouded thereby impairing vision.

What are the Causes of Eye Cataract?


Aging, the most common cause of eye cataract infection. But there are other reasons for cataract infection:

  • Secondary Cataract: The loss of eye vision post to the cataract surgery ends up in Secondary Cataract. Patients experiencing secondary cataracts have the least chance to get eye infections again. Medications are prescribed to eradicate the infection.
  • Traumatic Cataract: Development of cataract due to the high impact of injuries in the eye that makes the optic nerve lose its strength and vision.
  • Congenital Cataract: Cataract infections are found at the eye’s lens from the Birth day of the babies/child/adult. The reasons behind the congenital cataracts are mainly due to the Genital hierarchy of the infected’s parent. Failing to treat the cataract at the earliest may result in permanent blindness.
  • Radiation Cataract: Radiation exposure may cause loss of your optic vision and cause eye cataracts. Improper and non-periodic eye dosage leads to cataract formation

What are the Symptoms Associated with Cataract?


Signs Your Vision May Be Clouded by Cataracts:

  • Blurred or hazy vision: Like looking through a foggy window, the world appears dull and unfocused.
  • Glare and halos around lights: Headlights, lamps, and even sunlight become surrounded by annoying halos or bright streaks.
  • Reduced night vision: Seeing in dimly lit environments becomes increasingly difficult.
  • Difficulty reading or seeing fine details: Fine print, labels, and intricate details become blurry and challenging to discern.
  • Fading colors:Colors appear less vibrant and washed out, losing their richness and depth.
  • Frequent changes in glasses prescription: Needing new or stronger glasses more often than usual could be a sign of progressing cataracts.

Diagnosis of Cataracts:


At The Eye Foundation Bangalore, our skilled ophthalmologists utilize advanced diagnostic tools to detect cataracts at their earliest stages:

  • Visual acuity test: Measures your vision clarity using an eye chart.
  • Slit-lamp examination: A microscope illuminates the eye's internal structures, including the lens, for detailed evaluation.
  • Dilated eye exam: Eye drops widen the pupil, allowing a deeper look at the lens and retina.
  • Tonometry: Measures pressure within the eye, which can sometimes be associated with cataracts.
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How is a Cataract Detected?

Cataract is detected through a comprehensive eye examination

  • Visual Acuity Test: Test your eye’s visual strength with the Visual Acuity charts. Find the visual hindrance through the reading capacity of your eyes at the display elements of the test chart with varied font sizes. Finalize the cataract infection rate of your eye.
  • Dilated Eye Examination: Dilate the eye to enlarge the pupil for the complete detailed study of your eye infection. Find the reason behind your cataract infection by testing the eye pupil on various factors for the infection. Eye Dilation helps the doctor to ensure the health of the retina and the optic nerve of the eyeball.
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When Does Your Cataract Require Treatment?

Cataract eye surgery can be performed at any stage once it starts interfering with the daily activities of the individual. With the advent of techniques and technology, cataract operation can be performed in a safe and effective manner even in the early stages and one need not wait for the cataract to mature. In fact, more advanced and harder cataracts are associated with an increased incidence of complications earlier the better.

What are the various Cataract Treatment Options?

In the very early stage of cataract corrective glasses can be given. Cataract treatment is the only and definitive treatment modality for visually significant cataracts. The cost of the cataract operation in The Eye Foundation is affordable.

The various surgical options available are as follows:

1. Small Incision Eye Cataract Operation

  • Requires a smaller incision of 5mm.
  • Cataract is removed manually and the lens is placed.
  • No stitches.
  • Faster wound healing.

2. Phacoemulsification – Micro Incision Cataract Surgery

Over the years the size of the corneal incision made during cataract surgery has considerably reduced leading to faster visual recovery and reduced postoperative discomfort Requires a very small incision of about 2 mm.

  • The nucleus is emulsified into small pieces and removed.
  • A foldable lens is used allowing implantation into the eye without extension of the incision.
  • Walk-in walk-out procedure.
  • Painless, bloodless and stitch less surgery.
  • Can be done under topical anesthesia without injection at the reasonable cost

3. Laser Treatment For Cataract Surgery

This is the latest advancement in the field of eye cataract operation where a laser is used to help make incisions and break the cataract into small pieces. This has greatly enhanced the precision and safety of cataract surgery making it bereft of any significant complications.

There is no medication for treating cataracts, but laser treatment for cataracts has long proven to be an effective treatment for the disorder. With the advancement in technologies in the market, it is now safer to get cataract operations done than ever to get your vision corrected with minimal risks involved.

Cost of Cataract Surgery in The Eye Foundation is determined depending upon the age of the person, the intraocular lens chosen as well as the previous history of eye procedures. Though Depending upon these factors, cataract surgery costs are affordable.

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Types of intraocular lenses (IOL)

Monofocal IOL A majority of intraocular lenses implanted are monofocal lenses. These lenses have the capability of focusing light from a single distance. Normally distant objects are clear and one requires glasses for reading. The monofocal lenses are either rigid non foldable or foldable. The foldable lenses can be inserted through a small wound allowing faster visual recovery and reduced postoperative discomfort. Toric IOLs In certain situations, the patient may have a high cylinder or preoperative bend of the cornea. Monofocal lenses are unable to compensate for this, hence the patient requires glasses for distance vision postoperatively in addition to a reading power. Toric IOLs have the ability to correct the eye power both at the corneal and lenticular plane, thereby correcting the cylindrical power. Multifocal IOLs Multifocal lenses have different segments which focus light rays from various distances onto the retina. This affords correction for near, intermediate and distant vision to the patient. Most often a patient can manage his activities without glasses for all distances.

Explainer Videos:

What exactly is Cataract Surgery? | Dr. Ramamurthy

Do's and Don'ts of Cataract Surgery - Dr. Tamilarasi S

Spectacle Independence - Dr Aiamkhan

The Best IOL for Cataract Surgery - Dr. Tamilarasi

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Cataract Treatment Centers:

S.No Centers Status
1 Cataract Surgery in Coimbatore Available
2 Cataract Surgery in Pollachi Available
3 Cataract Surgery in Erode Available
4 Cataract Surgery in Salem Available
5 Cataract Surgery in Mettupalayam Available
6 Cataract Surgery in Madurai Available
7 Cataract Surgery in Tirupur Available
8 Cataract Surgery in Tirunelveli Available
9 Cataract Surgery in Ooty Available
10 Cataract Surgery in Bangalore Available
11 Cataract Surgery in Bellandur Available
12 Cataract Surgery in Kochi Available
13 Cataract Surgery in Malappuram Available
14 Cataract Surgery in Trichy Available
15 Cataract Surgery in Palakkad Available
16 Cataract Surgery in Whitefield Available
17 Cataract Surgery in Tuticorin Available
18 Cataract Surgery in Coonoor Available
19 Cataract Surgery in kozhikode Available
20 Cataract Surgery in Vellore Available

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I Have Cataracts?

You may, if you are over 40 years of age and have blurred vision, light sensitivity or glare, poor night vision or fading of colors. These symptoms may differ based on the sub type of cataract.

2. What Happens When I Come For A Checkup At The Hospital?

During your visit to The Eye foundation, first your vision will be checked by trained optometrists. Your pupils will then be dilated and you will be examined by a consultant, who will then discuss the nature of your cataract and your surgery options with you. The consultant will also evaluate your retina or the nerve of your eye. Prior to your cataract operation, you will need to undergo some routine medical and blood tests and an A-scan that will help the doctor to determine the power of the new lens to be implanted in your eye. You can then choose a convenient date for your eye surgery. Our range of hospital available in Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kochi

3. Is Phacoemulsification Long And Painful?

No, the procedure is a simple day care one. The area surrounding your eye will be cleaned, and sterile drapes will be placed over you, exposing only the eye to be operated on. You might have a local anesthetic, which involves a small injection around your eye to keep the eye muscle relaxed during surgery or just drops instilled in your eye to numb it. This makes the surgery completely pain free. The whole process is usually under 10 to 15 minutes.

4. What Do I Need To Do Before Cataract Surgery?

It is good to wash your face thoroughly with soap and water before coming for surgery. Use the antibiotic eye drops prescribed to you before the surgery. You can eat a light breakfast on the morning of the surgery.

5. What Happens After Cataract Surgery?

After surgery a bandage or shield will be placed over your eye. You can resume normal, moderate activity as soon as you feel up to it. You should wear protective glasses while going out during the first week. You can bathe carefully from below your neck but do not wet the operated eye for 15 days. You are advised to gently clean the eyelids with a piece of cotton boiled in water or a sterilized tissue. There are no diet restrictions following the surgery.

6. How Long Do I Have To Stay In The Hospital After My Cataract Surgery?

You can return home soon after your cataract operation. Surgeon will see you before discharging. However, if you desire to stay back with an attendant you can stay overnight in comfortable inpatient rooms at no extra charge.

7. How Soon Will I Be Able To See After The Cataract Surgery?

In some cases, the patient is able to see clearly immediately after the Cataract surgery. Although, for most it takes about two to three days.

8. Will I Require Spectacles After The Procedure?

You may need to wear glasses after the procedure. If a monofocal intraocular lens is implanted, you will require glasses for reading. A multifocal intraocular lens implantation on the other hand will give you freedom from glasses for a majority of your distance, intermediate and near activities. Most often you can manage without glasses.

9. What Is The Life Of The Implanted Intraocular Lens? Will I Need To Replace It?

The implanted intraocular lens is permanent and lasts for an entire lifetime.

10. When Can I Plan Cataract Surgery For The Other Eye?

Usually both the eyes are not operated on the same day. Once the visual recovery of the first eye is complete, the second eye surgery can be planned. Most of our patients undergo second eye surgery after a week.

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