About Eye Foundation

CSR Policy


Eye Foundation Limited, ) is into the business of healthcare services in the field of ophthalmology, running super specialty eye hospitals, providing quality eye care with clinical excellence and patient care, The Company is having branches across states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.

Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy

The Company is committed to conduct its business in a socially responsible, ethical and environmentally friendly manner and to continuously work towards improving the quality of people in the society in and around the area of operation.

An endeavor is made to ensure that all initiatives undertaken by the Company have an impact on the society and the people in improving their lives. The initiatives taken by EFL are replicable, scalable and sustainable on a long term basis.

EFL aims to continue its efforts to build on its tradition of being socially Responsible in empowering people and deepen its engagement with a view to improve lives, living and livelihood of millions of needy on a sustainable basis.

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR Committee) as per Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable provisions, if any, of any other act, as may be applicable, for the time being in force. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is responsible for overall supervision of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as may be carried out by the Company.

Corporate Social Responsibility Budget

The company shall allocate at least 2% of its average net profits before taxes of the preceding three years, towards CSR activities to sustain and improve a healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves. The company may also utilize its products and services as suitable for its CSR activities. Any surpluses arising out of CSR projects or programs or activities shall be re-deployed back into CSR activities and will not form a part of the business profits of the company.

CSR Focus Areas

The Company will focus on four thrust areas – Education, eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, Livelihoods. Besides, it will also undertake Interventions in the areas of sports, disaster relief, environment and ethnicity etc (Refer Annexure A), all aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities.

Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility

Responsibility :

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee will be responsible for overseeing the approval, execution, implementation and monitoring of the projects.

Direct Engagement :

EFL to have a direct engagement strategy-most initiatives to be conceptualized and executed directly through a team of professionals.

Partnerships :

In addition to direct engagement, The Company will forge collaborations with business partners and like-minded corporate organizations, funding agencies, non-government organizations, based community-based organizations, Governments and Government organizations, based on well-defined selection criteria. Partners will bring in complementary resources, expertise and influence which would be leveraged to force-multiply the company’s CSR initiatives.

Condition for Partnership :

In case the Company undertakes to carry any of the projects through any trust, society or company not established by the Company, the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall ensure that such trust, society or company has an established track record of three years in undertaking similar programs or projects and is eligible to undertake the projects under section 135 of the Act and such entities has been registered itself under The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021.

Review of Policy

This CSR policy document will be reviewed from time to time and any changes, if necessary, will be approved by the CSR & Sustainability Committee of the Board.

Annexure A : CSR Interventions

1. Education
  • Augmenting and supporting infrastructure in educational institutions
  • Offering scholarships and financial assistance to needy and meritorious students
  • Bridging drop-out children and mainstreaming them to formal schools
  • Making adults functionally literate
  • Developing educational material and methodologies
  • Supporting and promoting co-curricular activities
  • Advocacy of best practices
  • Education for mainstreaming disabled children
2. Health
  • Providing family planning services
  • Reducing infant and maternal mortality
  • Preventing and treating communicable diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS
  • Treating and rehabilitating persons with disabilities
  • Working on adolescent and reproductive sexual health issues
  • Promoting awareness about various health issues and generating demand for health services
  • Undertaking and supporting research on health related issues
  • Ensuring access to potable drinking water and hygienic sanitation
3. Rural Development
  • Rural development projects of building and maintaining community-based rural infrastructure like roads, bridges, culverts, drains, rural electrification, water infrastructure, community centres, youth clubs, etc
4. Environment
  • Undertaking plantations and a forestation activity
  • Promoting renewable sources of energy
  • Recharging ground water levels
  • Conserving biodiversity and supporting research,
  • awareness and advocacy on issues related to ∙biodiversity
  • Promoting awareness about environmental issues
  • Protecting wild animal welfare
  • Protecting Indian traditional animal breed welfare
5. Disaster Relief
  • Extending relief measures during times of natural disasters, anywhere in the country
  • Undertaking and supporting rehabilitation measures post-disasters
6. Support to Technology Incubators
  • Funding research projects at technology hubs for environmental and social sustainability