- Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist, The Eye Foundation, R S Puram, Coimbatore.
Areas of interest:
- Shock and Sepsis management.
- Neuro Critical care.
- Hemodynamic Monitoring.
- Ultrasound and its applications in Critical care.
- Regional Anesthesia and pain management.
Expertise in the following skills
- Difficult Airway Management.
- Opioid Free Anesthesia.
- Invasive Lines.
- Bronchoscopy.
- Intercostal Chest Tube Insertion.
- Prone Ventilation.
- Post Cardiac arrest Management.
- Trauma and burns victims and other emergencies.
- Multi Disciplinary rounds.
- Making Definitive Plan of Management.
- Difficult Airway Management inclusive of Tracheostomy.
- Mechanical ventilator workshop.
- AHA’s BLS & ACLS Training.
- Hemodynamic monitoring.
- Neuro critical care, poison unit, trauma unit.
- ECMO (under supervision).
Conference, Workshop and CME:
- ISA state conference July 2011.
- Ultrasound guided Nerve blocks/Advance Airway, TPN . October 2011.
- Recent Trends in cardiology, August 2013.
- CME on Pulmonary Critical care, November 2013.
- CME on Fluid, Electrolytes & Acid Base Disorders March 2014.
- ISCCM south zone conference – pulmonary critical care, October 2015.
- ISCCM south zone conference - Neuro critical care , September 2017.
- CME on Toxicology & Trauma , May 2019.
- Ramachandra Anesthesia Continuing Education, RACE in 2012, 2014, 2018, 2021.
Research & Publications:
- Comparison of intubating conditions with conventional Macintosh laryngoscope and Glidescope (Videolaryngoscope), Published in TNJA Vol 1 January 2015.
- Comparison of effects of dexmeditomidine and Haloperidol in delirium in ICU.
- A Comparative study of Intra Peritoneal Onlay Mesh (IPOM) surgeries done under General Anesthesia with USG guided Erector Spinae plane block versus conventional General Anesthesia Using Opioids (Ongoing).