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Can allergy influence your vision?

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Have you heard about an allergy? Of course, you have because it is one of the common terms used by people to express sudden reactions in the body. Still to give you correct notes, when something new or foreign particle is entering your body where your body used to show it up with some symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and others. 

When your eye gets into contact with allergens there your eyes might get redness and a gritty feeling. The common reason for allergic reactions is antigen and antibody interaction in the body if it is getting rid of itself within fewer minutes that’s okay. But when the same symptoms are retained for a day it might require the doctor’s attention to find whether it is something serious to be treated to safeguard your vision. Here the experienced ophthalmologist could assist you in a greater way so prefer the best eye care super specialty hospital in the city.

What happens when you get an eye allergy?

You can easily find out if you get an eye allergy because it indicates you have some unusual symptoms. When the external pollen or microbes come into contact with the various parts of the eye like with cornea, lens, white layer, and others their behavior used to get very than normal this could be the primary symptom, if it is simpler it gets back to a normal state within few minutes or few hours but the condition persists for a longer time then it is a call for an ophthalmologist from best eye hospital in Coimbatore.


Eye Allergy Symptoms

  • Irritation and itching
  • Redness
  • Gritty or burning
  • Watery discharge

Various causes of allergies

Generally, the term allergy is used to indicate the contact between substances that causes allergic reactions, it includes the following, 

  • Outdoor allergens like pollen, dust particles
  • Indoor allergens like dust mites, house pets, cockroaches
  • Chemicals or irritants like smoke, perfume

Types of eye allergies

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis 

Seasonal eye allergy is caused by Hay fever and you could easily get them during the summer season. People get this when they have a hypersensitive reaction to the pollen. Usually this fever only lies for the short term but if it is the summer season it could be persistent.

Perennial allergic conjunctivitis

Perennial allergic conjunctivitis highly affects people in middle age and it comes up with dry eye disease symptoms. The people who get perennial allergic infections used to get red eyes and more watery discharge along with the burning sensation. It is not a time specific allergic condition, you can find them all around the year and the causative agents of such infections are dust mites, or molds. The treatment of perennial conjunctivitis requires little more than others require and it also leaves a dark circle. When you suffer from the above symptoms it might be time to call an ophthalmologist to pick the best eye hospital in Salem to keep full-stop for suffering.

Atopic allergic conjunctivitis

This is an allergy type because of which the majority of people used to suffer. The causative agent of atopic allergic conjunctivitis is air contaminants. At the time when your eye used to suffer a lot, the body's immune system starts producing immunoglobulin E which reduces the intensity of the allergy. With probability of 6-30% adults being at risk of getting atopic allergic conjunctivitis.

Vernal Kerato conjunctivitis 

This eye allergy is more serious than seasonal. It is not season specific, but symptoms can worsen depending on the season. Generally, men suffer from vernal keratoconjunctivitis and majority of those who deal with vernal keratoconjunctivitis also have asthma or eczema. If untreated, vision can be impaired.

Other allergic conjunctivitis are,

When your eye gets irritations either because of your contact lenses or proteins of your tears may bring contact allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, people used to experience red eyes, itchy eyes, and high mucous discharge.

The mishandling of contact lenses might also bring another type of allergic conjunctivitis called Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis. But the severity of the infection will be higher comparatively with contact allergic conjunctivitis. Their signs may include blurry vision, lens discomfort, watery eyes, and itchy eyes. Allergy caused by contact lenses shouldn't be taken easily it should be treated timely for vision safety so approach the best eye hospital in Banglore to find a solution.

Preventive steps to avoid eye allergy

It is very important to know those things that could bring allergic conjunctivitis so that you could take your preventive measures, here are all the preventive measures you could take to protect yourself from getting infected.

  • Try to keep the door and windows closed during high pollen periods like autumn.
  • Use air conditioners in a closed environment like a home or car.
  • Use sunglasses when you are outdoors which prevents the pollen from getting inside your eye.
  • Use mite killers or mite-proof bedding covers which will reduce the chance of getting in contact with dust mites and prefer a dehumidifier to control the molds in your environment.
  • Try to wash your hands each time after being in contact with your pets.

What do you have in mind?

There is a common habit among people that are using medicines without a prescription from a doctor which you shouldn’t do. To help you more to find out here it is,

  • Artificial tears
  • Eye-drops
  • Anti-histamines and non-sedating oral anti-histamines
  • Steroids
  • Rubbing eyes

Diagnosis & treatment

Eye examination and microscopic studies could help an ophthalmologist to identify how severe the allergic infection inside your eyes is based on its severity, and the doctor prescribes you medications and eye drops.

Awareness is required

Due to interactions between the exterior or environmental substances and the body's immune system, they are used to produce some kind of chemicals and protein factors in the blood. This could result in a leak in the tiny capillaries which are responsible for the blood supply in the eye. It leads to irritation and itchy and watery eyes for a few hours but when it is deeper it may take days so it should be provided with attention.

Eye allergies shouldn’t be taken easily because sometimes the origin of eye allergies is due to serious eye diseases. Mild eye allergy symptoms used to be call-off in a short period but if they persist it might be an indication for some other thing so proper diagnosis is required. Without a proper diagnosis, it is not at all advisable to follow self-remedies, eye drops, or self-medications. It could damage or impair your vision very badly which might not be able to reverse. Before getting a conclusion on eye allergy consult an ophthalmologist from the best eye super specialty hospital they will take you on the right path by ensuring your vision safety.

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