Eye Foundation Team

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How is Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosed?

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A major cause of blindness due to the condition of diabetic persons is diabetic retinopathy, which is the result of damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Unless you are diabetic, your vision will safely remain intact with a yearly eye check-up for early detection and preventive treatment of complications. At the Eye Foundation, we focus on providing full-service diabetic eye care, including a collection of diagnostic instruments to test and treat those with diabetic retinopathy.

The Key diagnostic processes include:


  • Detailed history: The diabetes history that our ophthalmologists will at times visit includes the diabetes duration, results of its control, and any changes that you have experienced in your vision.
  • Visual acuity test: The plan of this standard eye chart test is to measure text clarity at the following distances associated with central vision.
  • Dilated eye exam: Our doctors dilate the pupils of the eye with specialized eye drops in order to assess the retina and blood vessels in detail to look for signs of damage.
  • Fluorescein angiography: We use special dye that is injected into your arm with aid of which a fluorescence of different parts of the retina is found and certain abnormalities such as blood vessel leakage or blockage are detected.
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT): Developed in 2011, this method is in fact an advanced imaging technique to make detailed cross-sections of the retina wherewith we can determine the thickness of the retina and also detect very early diabetic retinopathy.



Additional tests: The second truth you should be ruled out with glaucoma, another complication of diabetes is ergotropia. Your doctor may order other tests such as electroretinography (ERG) to measure retinal function if the condition is much severe.

Early diagnosis is critical:

Preventing diabetic retinopathy from progressing into non-proliferative phase allows for early treatment options, including laser therapy or injections to avoid blindness. The Eye Foundation practices with a team of specialists, treating high involved problems, namely, diabetic retinopathy here in The Philippines.

Schedule an appointment:


For diabetic patients, it is no brainer as they are recommended to visit The Eye Foundation for a thorough eye examination. Our flexible appointments schedule and coordinated with primary care provider and eye health co-management keep long-term outcomes optimal.

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