Refund & Cancelation

Refund & Cancelation

Cancellation Policy

  • Appointment Cancellations / Rescheduling can be done by calling our customer service at +91 9442475160 until 8 hours before your scheduled appointment time.
  • You can either cancel an appointment and initiate refund or reschedule to another time as per doctor’s availability.
  • In case of refunds, it will be processed within 15 working days from the receipt of a request from you. All communications with regards to refund should be sent to
  • You also have the option to schedule a face-to-face consultation in any one of our hospitals
  • Cancellations that are received outside the stipulated time and that are not acknowledged by The Eye Foundation is not liable for refunds
  • Cancellation requests may be made through call or by e-mail. For either, the acknowledgement by the Eye Foundation is integral.
  • The Eye Foundation shall not be liable for incorrect or inaccurate credit / debit card details that are provided by you for making the payment of consultation fees or you use a credit/ debit card that is not lawfully owned by you or if you permit a third party to use your password or other means to access your account
  • The Eye Foundation reserves the right to modify/implement changes to pricing structure and refund policy without prior notification
  • For queries on ways to request cancellation, you may call +91 94424 75160 or e-mail to
  • The information provided for cancellation will not be shared with any third party sites voluntarily by The Eye Foundation.

Refund Policy:

On receiving a request for cancellation, refund will be processed in the original mode of payment, which will be credited within 7 to 10 working days