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Can I Undergo Contoura LASIK If I Have Dry Eyes?

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In this generation people are more addicted to digital screens for many reasons it may be for profession or education, and this may result in dry eyes in the majority of people. Not only the digital screen there are some more reasons also behind it. According to the report, the prevalence of dry eyes is about 5-50% among adults over 50 are at risk. To overcome those dry eyes there are treatments, in that instance, there is a circulation of random questions can I undergo contours LASIK if I have dry eyes, to get an answer to their question, stick to the below content.

Understanding dry eyes

Dry eyes are a condition where tears cannot provide enough lubrication support to the eye. This may occur due to several reasons like poor quality tears or insufficient tear production. Not only in dry eyes it is good to treat any eye condition in its early stage when you are noticing the symptoms like burning eyes, light sensitivity, redness of the eye, irritation, difficulty in wearing contact lenses, and night driving difficulty, while you are experiencing any of them it is good to consult an ophthalmologist to confirm whether it is dry eye.

How do dry eyes affect LASIK?

LASIK surgery generally works by creating a flap over the corneal part and reshaping the corneal tissue as a refractive laser surgery. The procedure can increase the chance of getting dry eye symptoms because the procedure involves the corneal nerves; the procedure may disturb them and influence the tear production. In this case, if you are already going through the dry eye condition LASIK surgery potentially worsens the condition and leads to discomfort and also has greater influence over the healing process and visual outcomes.

Contoura vision LASIK

Contoura Vision LASIK is one of the advanced LASIK surgeries which offers precise vision correction through mapping the unique contours of the eye. This is a kind of customized approach for an individual so better visual outcomes can be expected, and also minimal side effects are studied compared to traditional LASIK surgery. If you're in search of advanced treatments for dry eyes and laser surgery, you may want to consider an Eye Hospital in Coimbatore for expert care.

Evaluating your dry eyes before surgery

Before thinking about getting the Contoura LASIK you should undergo a comprehensive eye examination because that will let an ophthalmologist know whether your eye is in a condition of conducting the procedure or not. The ophthalmologist will conduct the below tests to evaluate the severity of dry eyes,

  • The first test is an ophthalmologist will check how fast your tears are evaporating because as the dry eye condition progresses the evaporation time of tears increases rapidly.
  • Then Schirmer’s test will be conducted here tear production amount will be evaluated by evaluating the amount of moisture over the strip of paper that is placed under your lower eyelids.
  • Ocular surface staining is also one of the tests where special stains will be used to highlight those areas which are experiencing dryness or damage on the corneal surfaces.

Based on the results of the above tests, an ophthalmologist is going to determine whether an individual has mild, moderate or severe dry eye conditions and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Managing dry eyes before Contoura LASIK

If your dry eyes are under manageable condition, an ophthalmologist will recommend treatment plans that increase your tear production and start preparing your eye for Contours LASIK surgery The treatment plans may include artificial tears, medications, punctal plugs, warm compresses, and omega fatty acids. Along with the other treatments he is also going to ask you to stop using the contact lenses some days from when surgery is planned.

Get consultation for Contoura LASIK.

Having dry eyes does not disqualify you from getting the Contours LASIK, the ophthalmologist will conduct several eye tests to evaluate the current condition and also check the possibilities to proceed with the surgery for your vision goodness. With the perfect treatment plans and careful monitoring many patients have got Contoura LASIK with dry eyes so visit the best Contoura LASIK eye hospital in the city like The Eye Foundation to check your eligibility and enhance your eye health.

Get the best care for your eye with us. Schedule your appointment today for expert and personalized treatment.


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