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How do I tell if my contact lenses are inside out?

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In this modern generation, people with refractive errors are not interested in wearing those specs; it makes them feel outdated in that as an alternative option they are moving to contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses may be a good option but wearing them and maintaining them requires special care because if the contact lens is left inside out it could bring discomfort, blurry vision, eye irritation, and may also damage the eye. Knowing everything about contact lenses and identifying if you left contact lenses inside out is also very important to handle the situation diplomatically. Continue reading the content which reveals some of the simple unknown facts of knowing contact lenses are inside out. 

Visual inspection

When you doubt contact lenses are inside out, the first and foremost thing you have to do is visual inspection. This could be the easiest and at the same time simple way to determine whether it is inside out or not. Take the lens and keep it at your fingertip to check whether it is forming a cup-like shape while having them check it is a perfect half-sphere with smooth round edges. In case, the lens edges are flared out and look like a bowl or saucer shape then it is inside out.

The taco test

Once you are done with the visual inspection the next test to carry forward is the taco test, this is an effective method. The test steps follow, first, keep the lens in the palm of your hand and then try to fold the lens gently like bringing the edges together similar to a taco shape. Check whether the edges are naturally curved and look like closed tacos, if it is perfect the lens is not inside out. But if edges are flared out it’s inside out.

Laser markings

Another test to identify is some of the contact lenses will have small laser markings over them that can help you know their correct orientation. The markings may be letters or numbers. Take the lens and keep it on your fingertip look closely in the light you can find those markings if it is readable there are no issues. In case, the markings are reversed or difficult to read the lens is inside out.

Comfort and vision

Even after analyzing the orientation of the lens you are experiencing discomfort or blurry vision there you can rinse the lens with a multipurpose lens solution to ensure it is clean. This could help you avoid those discomforts.


Generally, practice makes perfect, if you are a beginner to wear contact lenses mistakes may happen. Over time handling the contact lenses will make you familiar with the correct orientation. Still, some tips are listed below,

  • Develop a routine for inserting and removing contact lenses that will help you build muscle memory as well as reduce the chance of mistakes.
  • Before wearing the contact lenses inspect them under the bright light area so that you can see their shape and edges.
  • Each time you are wearing the contact lenses make sure your hands are clean because the contaminated hand may contaminate the lens with dust, dirt, microbes, or oils which is not good for your eye. Even it may lead to infection so be careful.

Manufacturer guidelines

Before starting using contact lenses try to read the manufacturer's guidelines because different brands and types of lenses do come with specific characteristics and markings that can help you in knowing the correct orientation. 

Time for consultation

Checking whether the contact lenses are in the correct orientation ensures comfort and clear vision. If you are a beginner, following the above instructions will help you in finding the correct orientation and make use of it. Still, if you are experiencing any kind of discomfort or vision disturbances, do visit the best eye hospital like The Eye Foundation where you can consult an ophthalmologist with a handful of experience and find the solution to underlying issues..

Get the best care for your eye with us. Schedule your appointment today for expert and personalized treatment.

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